Origin Tower

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Where to Find

  • To find this battle, there will be some researchers on the Empty Cliffs map. You may need to keep clicking until they pop up. Click on them to find out they are currently working on something and ask you to leave them alone.
  • To unlock this battle, you will need a specific roster. Note: Shiny or Dark versions work as well.
  • Once obtained, and set on your roster (in any order), head back to the researchers and click the link.

Research Battle


Reward: Azure Flute (10% chance)

Badge: None

Origin Battle

  • Once you have obtained 6 Azure Flutes, attach them to your roster (You no longer need a specific roster) and head back to the researchers. You will unlock the next phase of the event.


Reward: 493.gif Arceus (Normal) - Level: 125

Badge: None

Note: All your Azure Flutes break upon winning the battle


  • Lynsey for writing this guide and adding it to the Wiki.
  • GoldenGates for making minor changes.