Training Accounts

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What Are Training Accounts?

Training accounts are created by members of TPPC. They contain six Chansey and/or Blissey and are used to train on because they give the highest amount of experience and have very low defense.

How to Battle a Training Account

  • All you have to do is click 'Trainer Battle' under Pokémon Battles.
  • Once there, simply enter the trainer name or trainer number of the trainer you would like to battle and click 'Battle This Trainer!'
  • Adding a training account to your friends list or bookmarks will make it easier to access.
  • You can also find high level Chansey/Blisseys via Rankings.

Important Training Tips

Who Should I Battle?

  • For the greatest efficiency, you should always battle someone whose Pokémon you can defeat in one hit. This method is quickest for gaining levels. If you want to gain team points while training, battle someone who is on a different faction.

What Moves Should I use?

  • Close Combat is currently the best training move, but any fighting type move or move that you think would work best against that specific gym would be fine.

What Pokémon Should I Train With?

  • Fighting-type Pokémon are the best to use for training. If you're using the move Close Combat (or any other fighting-type move) with a fighting-type Pokémon, it gets STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) which makes the attack more powerful.
  • A Guide to Training Pokemon

Recommended Pokémon:

The following are Fighting-type Pokémon that have excellent stats for training:

Name Attack Speed
493.gif Arceus (Fighting) 120 120
760.gif Bewear 125 60
257.gif Blaziken 120 80
286.gif Breloom 130 70
652.gif Chesnaught 107 64
534.gif Conkeldurr 140 45
500.gif Emboar 123 65
475.gif Gallade 125 80
297.gif Hariyama 120 50
214.gif Heracross 125 85
106.gif Hitmonlee 120 87
392.gif Infernape 104 108
448.gif Lucario 110 90
068.gif Machamp 130 55
620.gif Mienshao 125 105
675.gif Pangoro 124 58
057.gif Primeape 105 95
539.gif Sawk 125 85
903.gif Sneasler 130 120
639.gif Terrakion 129 108
454.gif Toxicroak 106 85
  • These are each Pokémon's base stats, remember that their typing (Normal, Shiny, Dark or Golden) can have an increase or decrease on their stats with the time of day. For details of how stat changes are affecting by typing, click here:


Here is a list of items that give bonuses when training:

Training Accounts List

  • Below is a table of the current training accounts in TPPC. These are training accounts with a full roster of six Chansey and/or Blissey.
  • The exceptions are the '1 XP Gym' and '300 XP Gym'. 1 XP Gym is a roster of Shedinja, which give 3 exp per Shedinja. You can put Exp Share on up to 2 Pokemon too, and the 3 Pokemon gaining exp will receive 1 exp each. 300 XP Gym has six Pokemon that each give a flat 300 exp for beating one of them. These are useful methods to get 'perfect exp' on Pokemon, such as 999,999 exp etc, so Pokemon look appealing in the roster.
Trainer Name Number Rank Faction Pokémon Level Exp. (Day) Exp. (Night) Money
1 XP Gym 2380615 1 - Grunt Team Aqua Shedinja 5 18 18 $30
300 XP Gym 3487664 5 - Sergeant Team Rocket Relicanth/Dunsparce 4 1,800 1,800 $24
nochickengym 2502909 1 - Grunt Team Magma Shiny/DarkBlissey 4 4,599 4,770 $24
pkmnherolv5 3269682 2 - Private Team Galactic Chansey 5 5,622 5,622 $30
TomsGym5 3397003 0 - Trainer Team TPPC Chansey 5 5,622 5,622 $30
face 1000xp gym 3490239 0 - Trainer Team Galactic NidoranM 29 6,000 6,000 $174
tppc loser 1054571 0 - Trainer Team Magma Chansey 9-13 11,248 11,248 $60
TomsGym10 3397006 0 - Trainer Team TPPC Chansey 10 11,250 11,250 $60
TomsGym15 3397010 0 - Trainer Team TPPC Chansey 15 16,872 16,872 $90
TomsGym20 3397013 0 - Trainer Team TPPC Chansey 20 22,500 22,500 $120
Chansey Noob* 3379420 0 - Trainer Team Aqua Chansey 25 28,122 28,122 $150
Mistaker 3166941 5 - Sergeant Team TPPC Chansey 40-43 45,562 45,562 $243
face 10kxp gym 3490249 0 - Trainer Team Galactic Bidoof 226 60,000 60,000 $1356
pkmnherolv75 3269882 2 - Private Team Galactic Chansey 75 84,372 84,372 $450
blisseyxD01 3193894 2 - Private Team Rocket Blissey 95-167 135,594 135,594 $709
DimShadow 2044868 0 - Trainer Team Magma Chansey 101 113,622 113,622 $606
NeverSlumberGym* 3101815 4 - Corporal Team Rocket Blissey 100 114,750 114,750 $600
D3killa Training Acc 1113640 0 - Trainer Team Magma N/S/D Blissey 150 172,348 176,624 $900
Prepare 4 Trouble* 3167041 5 - Sergeant Team Rocket Blissey 115-200 187,422 187,422 $980
BlisseyGymMaster 1325349 5 - Sergeant Team Magma N/S/D Blissey 200 229,050 234,750 $1,200
magby22st 924714 2 - Private Team Aqua Blissey 250 286,872 286,872 $1,500
DarkGun 489507 0 - Trainer Team Rocket DarkBlissey 300-312 341,109 366,930 $1,812
My Training Gym 913641 4 - Corporal Team TPPC N/S/D Chansey/Blissey 350 398,211 408,186 $2,100
sharkey 2 620891 1 - Grunt Team Rocket N/S/D Chansey/Blissey 353-531 506,516 516,733 $2,664
MamaCresseIia 2679442 6 - Lieutenant Team Magma N/D Chansey/Blissey 384-414 453,017 475,875 $2,402
BLISSEY GYM 3033909 2 - Private Team Magma S/D Blissey 400 457,200 480,000 $2,400
Raina450Gym 2844700 5 - Sergeant Team TPPC Blissey 440-460 514,461 514,461 $2,690
500Gym 3384456 2 - Private Team Rocket DarkBlissey 500 564,744 607,500 $3,000
GoldenDeoxys* 2923126 2 - Private Team TPPC Shiny/DarkBlissey 500 574,875 596,250 $3,000
Feedback Storage 774595 0 - Trainer Team Rocket Shiny/DarkBlissey 500-502 575,627 597,059 $3,004
EishKoms2 2926825 5 - Sergeant Team Magma Chansey 545-553 619,498 619,498 $3,304
Shantelle8 988742 1 - Grunt Team Rocket Blissey 550 631,122 631,122 $3,300
Zexion-VI 2493188 2 - Private Team Aqua DarkBlissey 600 677,700 729,000 $3,600
Raina650Gym 2646064 5 - Sergeant Team Magma ShinyBlissey 650 760,500 760,500 $3,900
illusions 3156466 7 - Captain Team Galactic DarkBlissey 700-1000 960,075 1,032,750 $5,100
Tsunade Genin exams 995561 7 - Captain Team Rocket ShinyChansey/Blissey 735-737 846,740 846,740 $4,413
Raina800gym 2656958 5 - Sergeant Team Magma Shiny/DarkBlissey 800-815 928,575 962,775 $4,845
Blissey850 3190785 4 - Corporal Team TPPC Shiny/DarkBlissey 850-865 986,137 1,010,377 $5,116
masteroflols 1933117 0 - No rank No Team ShinyBlissey 900 1,053,000 1,053,000 $5,400
Tiffs Blissey Traini 3032564 8 - Major Team TPPC Shiny/DarkBlissey 941 1,081,914 1,122,142 $5,646
1000Gym 3384457 2 - Private Team Rocket DarkBlissey 1000 1,129,500 1,215,000 $6,000
celler 2645690 9 - Colonel Team Galactic N/S/D Blissey/Chansey 1001 1,138,886 1,167,414 $6,006
Bruce 479815 7 - Captain Team Aqua DarkBlissey 1020-1025 1,155,666 1,243,146 $6,139
Lil A-Kicker 3394572 8 - Major Team Aqua Blissey 1200 1,404,000 1,404,000 $7,200
Raina1350 2985597 7 - Captain Team Aqua N/S/D/ Blissey 1350 1,551,149 1,589,624 $8,100
Queen Lilly 498042 4 - Corporal Team Aqua ShinyChansey 1506-1576 1,775,371 1,775,371 $9,283
FC Porto Fan For lif 596577 5 - Sergeant Team Aqua ShinyChansey/Blissey 1478-1940 1,839,340 1,839,340 $9,550
1760gym 2536240 0 - Trainer Team TPPC Blissey 1760 2,019,600 2,019,600 $10560
2000Gym 3384459 2 - Private Team Rocket DarkBlissey 2000 2,259,000 2,430,000 $12,000
Derextremes Gym 961984 6 - Lieutenant Team Magma DarkChansey 2000-2016 2,221,012 2,392,550 $12,038
Bt Account 607667 5 - Sergeant Team Aqua DarkBlissey 1958-2176 2,287,047 2,460,172 $12,149
Big Nasty Gym 3331642 7 - Captain Team Rocket DarkChansey 2499 2,766,390 2,980,056 $14,994
Rune Ristars Gym 482301 2 - Private Team Rocket ShinyBlissey 2500 2,925,000 2,925,000 $15,000
GoodDaddy 981310 6 - Lieutenant Team TPPC DarkBlissey 2560-2760 2,950,442 3,173,782 $15,673
TR Gym L3000 3439851 9 - Colonel Team Aqua DarkBlissey 3000 3,388,500 3,645,000 $18,000
ScRiPtEr4 2348869 7 - Captain Team Rocket ShinyBlissey 3000-3100 3,549,000 3,549,000 $18,200
Outlander* 5316 0 - Trainer Team Galactic Shiny/DarkBlissey 3476-3581 4,004,608 4,255,537 $21,146
Empire Vault 3421893 8 - Major Team TPPC ShinyBlissey 3499-3500 4,159,634 4,159,634 $20,995
DerexGym* 995268 0 - Trainer Team Magma DarkBlissey 4000 4,518,000 4,860,000 $24,000
No more heroes* 350514 8 - Major Team Galactic DarkBlissey 4036-5445 4,947,397 5,321,902 $26,281
GhostlyPlane 3366075 10 - General Team TPPC DarkBlissey 4501-4511 5,085,760 5,470,737 $27,016
TR Gym L5000 3101818 7 - Captain Team TPPC DarkBlissey 5000 5,760,000 6,187,500 $30,000
TR Gym L5500 3395546 9 - Colonel Team Galactic ShinyBlissey 5500 6,558,750 6,558,750 $33,000
TR Gym L6000* 3402750 9 - Colonel Team TPPC DarkBlissey 6000 6,777,000 7,290,000 $36,000
TR Gym L6500 3387834 9 - Colonel Team Galactic DarkBlissey 6500 7,488,000 8,043,744 $39,000
TR Gym L7000 3355075 10 - General Team Magma ShinyBlissey 7000 8,347,500 8,347,500 $42,000
TR Gym L7500 3395547 10 - General Team Aqua GoldenBlissey 7500 9,281,250 9,281,250 $45,000
GratzMatt Gym 3476575 10 - Commander Team Galactic Shiny/GoldenBlissey 10000-12001 12,653,006 12,653,006 $63,512

* This trainer's moves are no longer random. Random moves consist of Cross Chop, Crunch, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Psychic, Rock Slide, Shadow Ball, Surf, and Thunderbolt. Random moves also change every battle.

** This trainer has all the Pokémon necessary to be a training account and has been a training account in the past but currently has an adjusted roster in which the Pokémon are now being trained up further with a non-Blissey/Chansey Pokémon.


  • Xaine for updating and editing it into the wiki.
  • Stereotype for writing original guide.
  • Members who helped Stereotype with this guide and those who maintain and update it.
  • The members who created the training accounts.
  • The moderators who helped transfer the Pokemon.
  • For all the great people who have helped to make this guide.