Training Accounts
What Are Training Accounts?
Training accounts are created by members of TPPC. They contain six Chansey and/or Blissey and are used to train on because they give the highest amount of experience and have very low defense.
How to Battle a Training Account
- All you have to do is click 'Trainer Battle' under Pokémon Battles.
- Once there, simply enter the trainer name or trainer number of the trainer you would like to battle and click 'Battle This Trainer!'
- Adding a training account to your friends list or bookmarks will make it easier to access.
- You can also find high level Chansey/Blisseys via Rankings.
Important Training Tips
Who Should I Battle?
- For the greatest efficiency, you should always battle someone whose Pokémon you can defeat in one hit. This method is quickest for gaining levels. If you want to gain team points while training, battle someone who is on a different faction.
What Moves Should I use?
- Close Combat is currently the best training move, but any fighting type move or move that you think would work best against that specific gym would be fine.
What Pokémon Should I Train With?
- Fighting-type Pokémon are the best to use for training. If you're using the move Close Combat (or any other fighting-type move) with a fighting-type Pokémon, it gets STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) which makes the attack more powerful.
- A Guide to Training Pokemon
Recommended Pokémon:
The following are Fighting-type Pokémon that have excellent stats for training:
Name | Attack | Speed |
![]() |
120 | 120 |
![]() |
125 | 60 |
![]() |
120 | 80 |
![]() |
130 | 70 |
![]() |
107 | 64 |
![]() |
140 | 45 |
![]() |
123 | 65 |
![]() |
125 | 80 |
![]() |
120 | 50 |
![]() |
125 | 85 |
![]() |
120 | 87 |
![]() |
104 | 108 |
![]() |
110 | 90 |
![]() |
130 | 55 |
![]() |
125 | 105 |
![]() |
124 | 58 |
![]() |
105 | 95 |
![]() |
125 | 85 |
![]() |
130 | 120 |
![]() |
129 | 108 |
![]() |
106 | 85 |
- These are each Pokémon's base stats, remember that their typing (Normal, Shiny, Dark or Golden) can have an increase or decrease on their stats with the time of day. For details of how stat changes are affecting by typing, click here:
Here is a list of items that give bonuses when training:
Training Accounts List
- Below is a table of the current training accounts in TPPC. These are training accounts with a full roster of six Chansey and/or Blissey.
- The exceptions are the '1 XP Gym' and '300 XP Gym'. 1 XP Gym is a roster of Shedinja, which give 3 exp per Shedinja. You can put Exp Share on up to 2 Pokemon too, and the 3 Pokemon gaining exp will receive 1 exp each. 300 XP Gym has six Pokemon that each give a flat 300 exp for beating one of them. These are useful methods to get 'perfect exp' on Pokemon, such as 999,999 exp etc, so Pokemon look appealing in the roster.
Trainer Name | Number | Rank | Faction | Pokémon | Level | Exp. (Day) | Exp. (Night) | Money |
1 XP Gym | 2380615 | 1 - Grunt | Team Aqua | Shedinja | 5 | 18 | 18 | $30 |
300 XP Gym | 3487664 | 5 - Sergeant | Team Rocket | Relicanth/Dunsparce | 4 | 1,800 | 1,800 | $24 |
nochickengym | 2502909 | 1 - Grunt | Team Magma | Shiny/DarkBlissey | 4 | 4,599 | 4,770 | $24 |
pkmnherolv5 | 3269682 | 2 - Private | Team Galactic | Chansey | 5 | 5,622 | 5,622 | $30 |
TomsGym5 | 3397003 | 0 - Trainer | Team TPPC | Chansey | 5 | 5,622 | 5,622 | $30 |
face 1000xp gym | 3490239 | 0 - Trainer | Team Galactic | NidoranM | 29 | 6,000 | 6,000 | $174 |
tppc loser | 1054571 | 0 - Trainer | Team Magma | Chansey | 9-13 | 11,248 | 11,248 | $60 |
TomsGym10 | 3397006 | 0 - Trainer | Team TPPC | Chansey | 10 | 11,250 | 11,250 | $60 |
TomsGym15 | 3397010 | 0 - Trainer | Team TPPC | Chansey | 15 | 16,872 | 16,872 | $90 |
TomsGym20 | 3397013 | 0 - Trainer | Team TPPC | Chansey | 20 | 22,500 | 22,500 | $120 |
Chansey Noob* | 3379420 | 0 - Trainer | Team Aqua | Chansey | 25 | 28,122 | 28,122 | $150 |
Mistaker | 3166941 | 5 - Sergeant | Team TPPC | Chansey | 40-43 | 45,562 | 45,562 | $243 |
face 10kxp gym | 3490249 | 0 - Trainer | Team Galactic | Bidoof | 226 | 60,000 | 60,000 | $1356 |
pkmnherolv75 | 3269882 | 2 - Private | Team Galactic | Chansey | 75 | 84,372 | 84,372 | $450 |
blisseyxD01 | 3193894 | 2 - Private | Team Rocket | Blissey | 95-167 | 135,594 | 135,594 | $709 |
DimShadow | 2044868 | 0 - Trainer | Team Magma | Chansey | 101 | 113,622 | 113,622 | $606 |
NeverSlumberGym* | 3101815 | 4 - Corporal | Team Rocket | Blissey | 100 | 114,750 | 114,750 | $600 |
D3killa Training Acc | 1113640 | 0 - Trainer | Team Magma | N/S/D Blissey | 150 | 172,348 | 176,624 | $900 |
Prepare 4 Trouble* | 3167041 | 5 - Sergeant | Team Rocket | Blissey | 115-200 | 187,422 | 187,422 | $980 |
BlisseyGymMaster | 1325349 | 5 - Sergeant | Team Magma | N/S/D Blissey | 200 | 229,050 | 234,750 | $1,200 |
magby22st | 924714 | 2 - Private | Team Aqua | Blissey | 250 | 286,872 | 286,872 | $1,500 |
DarkGun | 489507 | 0 - Trainer | Team Rocket | DarkBlissey | 300-312 | 341,109 | 366,930 | $1,812 |
My Training Gym | 913641 | 4 - Corporal | Team TPPC | N/S/D Chansey/Blissey | 350 | 398,211 | 408,186 | $2,100 |
sharkey 2 | 620891 | 1 - Grunt | Team Rocket | N/S/D Chansey/Blissey | 353-531 | 506,516 | 516,733 | $2,664 |
MamaCresseIia | 2679442 | 6 - Lieutenant | Team Magma | N/D Chansey/Blissey | 384-414 | 453,017 | 475,875 | $2,402 |
BLISSEY GYM | 3033909 | 2 - Private | Team Magma | S/D Blissey | 400 | 457,200 | 480,000 | $2,400 |
Raina450Gym | 2844700 | 5 - Sergeant | Team TPPC | Blissey | 440-460 | 514,461 | 514,461 | $2,690 |
500Gym | 3384456 | 2 - Private | Team Rocket | DarkBlissey | 500 | 564,744 | 607,500 | $3,000 |
GoldenDeoxys* | 2923126 | 2 - Private | Team TPPC | Shiny/DarkBlissey | 500 | 574,875 | 596,250 | $3,000 |
Feedback Storage | 774595 | 0 - Trainer | Team Rocket | Shiny/DarkBlissey | 500-502 | 575,627 | 597,059 | $3,004 |
EishKoms2 | 2926825 | 5 - Sergeant | Team Magma | Chansey | 545-553 | 619,498 | 619,498 | $3,304 |
Shantelle8 | 988742 | 1 - Grunt | Team Rocket | Blissey | 550 | 631,122 | 631,122 | $3,300 |
Zexion-VI | 2493188 | 2 - Private | Team Aqua | DarkBlissey | 600 | 677,700 | 729,000 | $3,600 |
Raina650Gym | 2646064 | 5 - Sergeant | Team Magma | ShinyBlissey | 650 | 760,500 | 760,500 | $3,900 |
illusions | 3156466 | 7 - Captain | Team Galactic | DarkBlissey | 700-1000 | 960,075 | 1,032,750 | $5,100 |
Tsunade Genin exams | 995561 | 7 - Captain | Team Rocket | ShinyChansey/Blissey | 735-737 | 846,740 | 846,740 | $4,413 |
Raina800gym | 2656958 | 5 - Sergeant | Team Magma | Shiny/DarkBlissey | 800-815 | 928,575 | 962,775 | $4,845 |
Blissey850 | 3190785 | 4 - Corporal | Team TPPC | Shiny/DarkBlissey | 850-865 | 986,137 | 1,010,377 | $5,116 |
masteroflols | 1933117 | 0 - No rank | No Team | ShinyBlissey | 900 | 1,053,000 | 1,053,000 | $5,400 |
Tiffs Blissey Traini | 3032564 | 8 - Major | Team TPPC | Shiny/DarkBlissey | 941 | 1,081,914 | 1,122,142 | $5,646 |
1000Gym | 3384457 | 2 - Private | Team Rocket | DarkBlissey | 1000 | 1,129,500 | 1,215,000 | $6,000 |
celler | 2645690 | 9 - Colonel | Team Galactic | N/S/D Blissey/Chansey | 1001 | 1,138,886 | 1,167,414 | $6,006 |
Bruce | 479815 | 7 - Captain | Team Aqua | DarkBlissey | 1020-1025 | 1,155,666 | 1,243,146 | $6,139 |
Lil A-Kicker | 3394572 | 8 - Major | Team Aqua | Blissey | 1200 | 1,404,000 | 1,404,000 | $7,200 |
Raina1350 | 2985597 | 7 - Captain | Team Aqua | N/S/D/ Blissey | 1350 | 1,551,149 | 1,589,624 | $8,100 |
Queen Lilly | 498042 | 4 - Corporal | Team Aqua | ShinyChansey | 1506-1576 | 1,775,371 | 1,775,371 | $9,283 |
FC Porto Fan For lif | 596577 | 5 - Sergeant | Team Aqua | ShinyChansey/Blissey | 1478-1940 | 1,839,340 | 1,839,340 | $9,550 |
1760gym | 2536240 | 0 - Trainer | Team TPPC | Blissey | 1760 | 2,019,600 | 2,019,600 | $10560 |
2000Gym | 3384459 | 2 - Private | Team Rocket | DarkBlissey | 2000 | 2,259,000 | 2,430,000 | $12,000 |
Derextremes Gym | 961984 | 6 - Lieutenant | Team Magma | DarkChansey | 2000-2016 | 2,221,012 | 2,392,550 | $12,038 |
Bt Account | 607667 | 5 - Sergeant | Team Aqua | DarkBlissey | 1958-2176 | 2,287,047 | 2,460,172 | $12,149 |
Big Nasty Gym | 3331642 | 7 - Captain | Team Rocket | DarkChansey | 2499 | 2,766,390 | 2,980,056 | $14,994 |
Rune Ristars Gym | 482301 | 2 - Private | Team Rocket | ShinyBlissey | 2500 | 2,925,000 | 2,925,000 | $15,000 |
GoodDaddy | 981310 | 6 - Lieutenant | Team TPPC | DarkBlissey | 2560-2760 | 2,950,442 | 3,173,782 | $15,673 |
TR Gym L3000 | 3439851 | 9 - Colonel | Team Aqua | DarkBlissey | 3000 | 3,388,500 | 3,645,000 | $18,000 |
ScRiPtEr4 | 2348869 | 7 - Captain | Team Rocket | ShinyBlissey | 3000-3100 | 3,549,000 | 3,549,000 | $18,200 |
Outlander* | 5316 | 0 - Trainer | Team Galactic | Shiny/DarkBlissey | 3476-3581 | 4,004,608 | 4,255,537 | $21,146 |
Empire Vault | 3421893 | 8 - Major | Team TPPC | ShinyBlissey | 3499-3500 | 4,159,634 | 4,159,634 | $20,995 |
DerexGym* | 995268 | 0 - Trainer | Team Magma | DarkBlissey | 4000 | 4,518,000 | 4,860,000 | $24,000 |
No more heroes* | 350514 | 8 - Major | Team Galactic | DarkBlissey | 4036-5445 | 4,947,397 | 5,321,902 | $26,281 |
GhostlyPlane | 3366075 | 10 - General | Team TPPC | DarkBlissey | 4501-4511 | 5,085,760 | 5,470,737 | $27,016 |
TR Gym L5000 | 3101818 | 7 - Captain | Team TPPC | DarkBlissey | 5000 | 5,760,000 | 6,187,500 | $30,000 |
TR Gym L5500 | 3395546 | 9 - Colonel | Team Galactic | ShinyBlissey | 5500 | 6,558,750 | 6,558,750 | $33,000 |
TR Gym L6000* | 3402750 | 9 - Colonel | Team TPPC | DarkBlissey | 6000 | 6,777,000 | 7,290,000 | $36,000 |
TR Gym L6500 | 3387834 | 9 - Colonel | Team Galactic | DarkBlissey | 6500 | 7,488,000 | 8,043,744 | $39,000 |
TR Gym L7000 | 3355075 | 10 - General | Team Magma | ShinyBlissey | 7000 | 8,347,500 | 8,347,500 | $42,000 |
TR Gym L7500 | 3395547 | 10 - General | Team Aqua | GoldenBlissey | 7500 | 9,281,250 | 9,281,250 | $45,000 |
GratzMatt Gym | 3476575 | 10 - Commander | Team Galactic | Shiny/GoldenBlissey | 10000-12001 | 12,653,006 | 12,653,006 | $63,512 |
* This trainer's moves are no longer random. Random moves consist of Cross Chop, Crunch, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Psychic, Rock Slide, Shadow Ball, Surf, and Thunderbolt. Random moves also change every battle.
** This trainer has all the Pokémon necessary to be a training account and has been a training account in the past but currently has an adjusted roster in which the Pokémon are now being trained up further with a non-Blissey/Chansey Pokémon.
- Xaine for updating and editing it into the wiki.
- Stereotype for writing original guide.
- Members who helped Stereotype with this guide and those who maintain and update it.
- The members who created the training accounts.
- The moderators who helped transfer the Pokemon.
- For all the great people who have helped to make this guide.