Mod Storage

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Account #1000000

Originally Kife's storage account, this is now the main account used for moderator storage. This account is banned for security reasons, to prevent any possible hacker from selling or trading the pokemon the account contains.

The pokemon in this account are used for contests and other purposes by moderators. Almost all pokemon in the account came from banned accounts (taken with the owner's permission) or people who donated pokemon.

This account also sells pokemon.

  • Currently Selling:
    • 506.gif Lillipup and 543.gif Venipede every hour, on altering days. Every hour there is a slim chance that a Shiny or Dark version of these pokemon will be sold alongside the Normal version.
  • Previously Sold:
    • On January 6th, 2008, as an apology for the server going down during the New Year's Golden Day event, 415.gif ShinyCombee and 415.gif DarkCombee were sold from the account periodically throughout the day.
    • In the past, 227.gif ShinySkarmory was sold from the account every hour.

Some pokemon were created for the sole purpose of being added to #1000000 for no reason other than to be contested off. Some of these pokemon include:

Pokemon Male Female Genderless Ungendered
029.gif ShinyNidoranF 0 0 0 10
471.gif DarkGlaceon 4 0 0 4
470.gif DarkLeafeon 4 0 0 4
700.gif DarkSylveon 3 3 0 0

Additional Details

  • In earlier versions of the RPG account #1million was populated using old banned Pokémon so that they can be redistributed. Since some of these were cheated to reach high levels (or in a few cases low levels), all Pokémon were set to Level: 500 to negate the effects of cheating

Account #2000000

This account is the secondary account used for moderator storage. It is only used on occasion, as the pokemon put into the account will be sold exactly on the hour, each hour, until the contents of the account are gone.

This selling method was used to introduce 144.gif ShinyArticuno and 146.gif ShinyMoltres into the game. However, the account is mostly just used for occasional contests now.

Account #3000000

Account #3000000 has always been an unused moderator account, but towards the very end of 2023, this account became a third moderator contest storage, very similar to account #1000000. The main reason for this is because #1000000 was becoming quite full, and it was decided that it would be best to split the box contents into separate accounts. #1000000 has most of the more "valuable" items, while #3000000 has the less "valuable" items.