TPPC History

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TPPC was originally a Pokémon news site created by Andrew Stein aka Shrimpy and was hosted by On the site Shrimpy posted news about Pokémon games, movies and the TCG. The site included a stat calculator, a movedex and information such as version differences, movie plot summaries and TCG set lists.

The RPG started out as a game called Oddish's Adventure, which was envisioned as a Pokémon-themed adoptable pet game with RPG elements. Its development was first hinted at on June 8, 2000 and it would enter beta testing on June 12. On June 30, Shrimpy announced his intentions of changing the name as the game had already grown to include several more Pokémon than just Oddish. On July 2, its new name was revealed as the TPPC Online RPG.

Version 1.0 - July 2000

The TPPCRPG officially launched to the public on July 11, 2000. Rather than its own domain, the RPG was originally hosted on as part of the anime-oriented Nova Blast Network. In celebration of Pokémon: the Movie 2000's release in North America, TPPC began hosting a "Lugia Revealed" promotion on July 22 where up to 1,000 (initially 200) trainers could obtain a Lugia, making it TPPC's first promo.


1.0 introduced several key features that can still be found in TPPC today. Maps and the ability to catch Pokémon on them were present from the beginning and new maps were being consistently added. Gyms and badges were available, with the final Kanto Gym being added on July 9, 2000. The ability to battle other trainers was added on July 23. The ability to evolve Pokémon through experience was added during the beta on July 3 and the Evolution Gym was added on July 26, with Seel being the first Pokémon to evolve through it. Shrimpy initially dubbed Pokémon who evolved through the Evolution Gym "Gymivolutions."

Unique to 1.0 were types of gyms called "Web Gyms." Unlike regular gyms, which restricted you to using Pokémon below certain levels and rewarded trainers with a badge, Web Gyms had no level limits and would reward trainers with Pokémon that could only be obtained through winning their battles. Web Gyms were ran by webmaster friends of Shrimpy who advertised the RPG on their websites.

In early August of the year 2000, TPPC celebrated it's 1000 member milestone.

Due to 1.0 being unstable at times, Shrimpy announced on August 23, 2000 that he had began development on version 2.0.

Version 2.0 - September 2000

Version 2.0 would initially begin beta testing on September 5, 2000. Due to an error being noticed, it was temporarily taken down. It would be relaunched properly on September 7, but would suffer a data loss on September 11. In response to this, Shrimpy created a new data backup system the next day.

2.0 introduced shiny and golden Pokémon to the RPG, with GoldenLugia and ShinyWobbuffet being the first added. GoldenLugia was released as the first promo Pokémon of 2.0 on October 22, 2000. ShinyWobbuffet was released as a promo on April 29, 2001.

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Boxes were introduced on November 12, 2000, allowing trainers to store 20 Pokémon in addition to the six kept in their roster. The RPG would move to its current domain,, on December 1, 2000.

2.0 introduced a couple of unique methods of item obtainment. On December 19, 2000, a PokéMart was added to the RPG which let trainers buy items like Potions and Pokéballs. A "Daily Gift" feature was introduced on April 21, 2001 and first distributed a pair of Darkglasses, which at the time was used to evolve Eevee into Umbreon. Radiate, an item that let certain Pokémon transform into their shiny variants, was added on June 1, 2001 and could be purchased through the mart. The PokéMart would remain in TPPC for a few versions, but it and the items obtained through it would eventually be scrapped.

On May 9, 2001, the ability to change the name of your RPG account was added. Later in May, TPPC's experience formula was modernized. Previously, levels scaled linearly (500 experience per level) and your opponent's level was not factored into how much experience you gained. With the new formula, levels were now the cube root of your experience and your opponent would influence your experience yields.

The ability to transfer your Pokémon to other trainers was introduced on July 11, 2001. This was often used for trading purposes, though unlike the modern trade system, transfers were one-way and required more trust. Starting on October 15, 2001, Pokémon above level 1,500 were no longer able to be transferred due to an error that could cause higher leveled Pokémon to lose experience.

The first Golden Day was held on August 2, 2001 in celebration of Shrimpy's birthday. To solve the Golden Day riddles, trainers needed a normal variant of Oddish or Wobbuffet, a specific old daily gift that differed between the two, and a specific item that was necessary for both. Battling against the Evolution Gym with the correct combination would reward trainers with a GoldenOddish or GoldenWobbuffet. GoldenOddish could notably not evolve at this point in time.

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The TPPC Legend was introduced on September 19, 2001. Defeating him would reward trainers randomly with one of Raikou, Entei, or Suicune.

Around this time, while Shrimpy was finishing high school and starting college, he decided to give up on the news aspect of TPPC and turn his attention to the RPG. [1]

Version 3.0 - January 2002

Version 4.0 - May 2002

Version 5.0 - March 2003

Version 6.0 - Early 2004

Version 6.5

Version 6.5 was planned to be released in the summer of 2004 with a revamped battle system.

Version 7.0 - Early 2006

TPPC reached 1 million members in a 24 hour period between February 27 2007 (Pokemon Day) and February 28 2007.

Version 7.5 - Mid 2008


New Forums

In December 2009 as the old PunBB based Trainer's Corner had been experiencing a lot of issues Shrimpy moved Trainer's Corner to a new server and a new set of forums that use vBulletin. The templates for these new forums were created by Kife.

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Version 8.0 - September 2010


Version 8.0 was released on 24th September 2010. Kife is responsible for designing a lot of Version 8.0. This version introduced Generation 4 pokémon to the RPG and removed the map Mewtwo's Lair making Mewtwo now unobtainable. [2]

Generation 5 pokémon were added to the RPG on 19th March 2011. These pokémon were then released in various events through the next year.


The TPPC Wiki was created in August 2011 with most of the original content submitted by Lynsey, Crepsley and Xaine. [3]

Staff Promotions - February 2014
Numbers Yuru
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May 2015 Updates

Generation 6 pokémon were introduced to the RPG in May 2015. This addition included a change from the 2D sprites that were used prior to this to animated gifs of the 3D models in Pokémon X & Y. [4]

Staff Promotions - June 2015
Gin.A Keviiin ToxiCity Zepp Numbers Tim
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Staff Promotions - February 2017
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Speed Tower Update

On 2nd April 2017 an update was made to the Speed Tower. This update changed the mechanics for winning the Speed Tower, introducing two new badges. Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde were made prizes, making these Pokémon obtainable for the first time.

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May 2018 Server Change

On May 28, 2018, TPPC moved from its decade old server to a faster cloud server. [5] GoldenOmanyte was released as a special Team Stats promo in celebration.

Staff Promotions - January/March 2019
Tyroniter kobk

Early 2020 Updates

Following Mimikyu being added to the RPG for the Swarming Mimikyu event, 3D models for all generation 7 Pokémon were added to the RPG on March 1, 2020. Raichu (Alola) became the first Alolan form available while ShinyRockruff and DarkRockruff became the first generation 7 Mod Pokémon.

Staff Promotions - February/March 2020
Tyroniter ToxiCity Space Cowboy Jigglypuff
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Late 2020 - 2024 Updates

Late 2020 saw the introduction of 5 new Generation 7 Pokémon, through TPPC's first update to Secret Swap in many years. These Pokémon were Drampa, Pyukumuku, Turtonator, Bruxish, and Dhelmise.

January of 2021 introduced new Pokémon into the game by replacing some of TPPC's older challenge prizes. This included prizes from Safari Zone, Power Plant, Training Challenge, and Radio Tower.

Through out 2020 and 2021, three previously unreleased Pokémon, Hoopa, Togedemaru, and Comfey, were released through Swarm Events.

Staff Promotions - April 2022
Space Cowboy Jigglypuff

As new promotions came around, a handful of other Generation 7 Pokémon were released as Moderator Prizes. These included Cutiefly, Jangmo-o, Minior, Stufful, Salandit, and Cosmog.

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Staff Promotions - June 2024
Space Cowboy

On August 2nd, Golden Day, 2024, the first Generation 8 Pokémon was added to TPPC. This Pokémon was Sneasler, introduced through Sneasel (Hisui) being the first of the hour golden.