TPPC Equations

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Pokémon Experience

As per the Pokemon Experience page, TPPC uses the following equations:

  • Experience = Level ^ 3 + 1
  • Experience Gain (for 1 Pokemon) = ceil(0.75 * Level * Base_HP)

In past versions of TPPC the formula for EXP was Level ^ 3 instead. When this was changed many of the previous Level 5 Pokémon became Level 4.

Pokémon HP

  • HP = Math.floor(((Base_HP + TPPC_Type_Bonus) + 65) * level / 50 + 10);

Golden Pokémon, Shiny Pokémon and Dark Pokémon add +15, +4 and -10 respectively.

Damage Dealt

  • Damage = (((0.4 * Level + 2) * Move_Power * (Attack / Defense)) / 50) * Random[85,100]/100 * Mods[STAB, Critical, Weakness/Resistance, Burn]

Money Gained

The money gained is equal to the total of the levels of your opponent's Pokémon.

Buy Page Price

The price a Pokemon will appear on the Buy Page for is calculated using the following equation:

  • Price = Experience * 10

The money earned by the seller is 50% of this amount due to market fees.

If your team has the Power Plant, the Pokémon will appear on the Buy Page at a discounted rate (33% off). The equation for this is:

  • Price = Experience * 10 * (2/3)

Click the Buying and Selling Guide to learn more about this.

TPPC Calculators

Some users have created calculators that automatically make use of the above information. Please find them on the TPPC Calculators Page.