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What's Discord?

Beside the Forums where you can talk and trade with people, you can also go onto the official TPPC Discord Server! You can go onto the TPPC Discord Server at http://tppcrpg.net/chat.php, or you can join it through a separate discord invite link.

Discord is a proprietary freeware VoIP application and digital distribution platform designed for video gaming communities, that specializes in text, image, video and audio communication between users in a chat channel. Discord runs on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and in web browsers (Wikipedia).

Discord is much more efficient than TPPC's previous Chatrooms, IRC, as it is widely accessibly to almost everyone, on basically any platform.

  • You can download Discord onto any mobile device, as a desktop app, or use it directly through your browser.

Invite Link: https://discord.gg/SZWRVdE

Discord Roles

Every Discord server has various roles that staff can give to other members. Some roles give certain permissions, such as access to a certain channel.

  • "Verified": The Verified Role confirms that you are who you say you are. Having this role allows you to have access to channels such as #betting. In order to obtain this role, you must verify your Discord account by messaging a staff member on forums with your Discord username and tag (ex: Jeremy#3541).
  • "Verified - Do Not Bet": This role is the same as the Verified role, except it does not allow you to access the #betting channel. You will receive this role if you run from a bet, or if you request it.
  • "Contests": The Contests role allows any user that has the role to receive a notification each time the role is mentioned (ex: @contests), and also allows you to view the #contests channel. This is useful for those who want to be notified when there is an ongoing contest. To receive the Contests role, simply type "!contest" in #tppc or #trades.
  • "Bot Boys": The Bot Boys role is only given to bots.
  • Timeout: This role is given as an alternative to banning users who break the rules. If you receive the role, you will only be able to view the channel #rules-and-announcements until the end of your timeout. The time limit of the timeout varies depending on how serious the offense is.
  • Colored Roles: Any verified user is able to request a staff member to give them one of the various colored roles. All this does is change the color of your name.

Staff Roles

  • "Administrator": Supermoderator and above receive this role.
  • "Moderator": Moderators receive this role.
  • "Assistant": Assistants receieve this role.
  • "Chat Ruler": Given to a select few users who are capable of helping out on the server. Only has the power to give timeouts and edit emotes. Purely Discord staff, has no power elsewhere.

Discord Bots


Dunsparce is the main bot of the TPPC discord server, as it has many uses, some of the commands for these uses will be listed below.

  • "!contest": As mentioned above, this grants access to the #contests channel and allows anyone to notify you when they are holding a contest with the use of @contests.
  • "!roll": Rolls a dice in NdN format. (ex: !roll 1d10)
  • "!ft": Lists what you've got for trade.
  • "!ftadd": Adds items to your "!ft" list.
  • "!ftdel": Deletes items from your "!ft" list.
  • "!id": This command is able to add your own ID or list the IDs of others. (ex: "!id @Jeremy" would display my ID)
  • "!choose": Chooses between multiple choices when given a list. (ex: "!choose true false" would randomly choose true or false)
  • "!help": Shows a list of all Dunsparce's commands.
  • "!rules": Only works in #betting. Shows a list of betting rules.
  • "!awesome": Only works in #betting. Gives you a random awesome rating out of 101.