TPPC Glossary

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Over the years, many short-hand terms have evolved on TPPC. Below is a table of common abbreviations you may find. This list is not exhasutive.

Term Meaning
TPPCRPG "The Pokémon PokeCenter Role Playing Game"
LF "Looking For" ____ Pokémon
FT or NFT _____ Pokémon is "For Trade" or "Not For Trade"
FS _____ Pokémon is "For Sale"
'x' or 'kx' A non-official rating system used to compare Pokémon. One 'x' was historically equal to a Level 2499. 'kx' is used to refer to thousands of 'x'
NG / OG "New Gold" refers to the latest Golden Pokémon created. "Old Gold" is a Gold released many years ago.
GDay Refers to the day Golden Pokémon can be created; Golden Day typically takes place on August 2nd and Christmas/New Years.
B/O An unofficial "Best Offer" auction, where users bid for a specific Pokémon. If it is "real" then the offer will be accepted, without reserve, or any added time.
UE UG "Unevolved and Ungoldenised". This is a gender (?) Pokémon that may be capable of becoming a Golden in future
E/G "Evolved and/or Goldenised". This is a gender (?) Pokémon that is not capable of becoming a Golden in future
PPP Refers to a Power Plant Prize.
Unob Refers to an unobtainable Pokémon
SS May be used to refer to the Secret Swap
TC Can either be used to refer to the forum (Trainer's Corner) or Training Challenge
S/D/G Refers to the Bonus of the Pokémon: Shiny, Dark, Golden
U Refers to Ungendered Pokémon (aka (?) gender) Pokémon
G When used after a Pokémons name, refers to its gender being 'Genderless'. Example: Deoxys G 2499.
TPs Aka "Team Points". See: Team Stats for more information.
HTT "Hard To Trade". A way of saying a Pokémon is difficult to shift or undesirable.
ETT "Easy To Trade". A way of saying a Pokémon is easy to shift or desirable.
UL Used to refer to Underleveled Pokémon. Please click the link for a definition
CAT/C.A.T "Create A Trade"
1k When used to refer to a Pokémon's level, k means thousand. For example, 1k = Level 1000, 2k = Level 2000 etc.
Base The lowest level available for a particular Pokémon
NB Non-base; a Pokémon that is higher than its base level.
Up/downgrade Used to consolidate many Pokémon into one more valuable Pokémon, vice versa
Maps Refers to Pokémon that can be caught on maps.
Swaps Refers to Pokémon that can be obtained via the Secret Swap.
Promo Promotional Pokémon that can be claimed from the team stats page for 1 Team point. You can only claim one promo per account per week, and up to 5 per person as long as you have 5 active accounts.
nty 'No thank you'.
SFOM Sack Full of Muck on the forum, Trainer's Corner. Used for off-topic conversation.
ig In game. Refers to rarity list.