TPPC Glossary
From TPPC Wiki
Over the years, many short-hand terms have evolved on TPPC. Below is a table of common abbreviations you may find. This list is not exhasutive.
Term | Meaning |
TPPCRPG | "The Pokémon PokeCenter Role Playing Game" |
LF | "Looking For" ____ Pokémon |
FT or NFT | _____ Pokémon is "For Trade" or "Not For Trade" |
FS | _____ Pokémon is "For Sale" |
'x' or 'kx' | A non-official rating system used to compare Pokémon. One 'x' was historically equal to a Level 2499. 'kx' is used to refer to thousands of 'x' |
NG / OG | "New Gold" refers to the latest Golden Pokémon created. "Old Gold" is a Gold released many years ago. |
GDay | Refers to the day Golden Pokémon can be created; Golden Day typically takes place on August 2nd and Christmas/New Years. |
B/O | An unofficial "Best Offer" auction, where users bid for a specific Pokémon. If it is "real" then the offer will be accepted, without reserve, or any added time. |
UE UG | "Unevolved and Ungoldenised". This is a gender (?) Pokémon that may be capable of becoming a Golden in future |
E/G | "Evolved and/or Goldenised". This is a gender (?) Pokémon that is not capable of becoming a Golden in future |
PPP | Refers to a Power Plant Prize. |
Unob | Refers to an unobtainable Pokémon |
SS | May be used to refer to the Secret Swap |
TC | Can either be used to refer to the forum (Trainer's Corner) or Training Challenge |
S/D/G | Refers to the Bonus of the Pokémon: Shiny, Dark, Golden |
U | Refers to Ungendered Pokémon (aka (?) gender) Pokémon |
G | When used after a Pokémons name, refers to its gender being 'Genderless'. Example: Deoxys G 2499. |
TPs | Aka "Team Points". See: Team Stats for more information. |
HTT | "Hard To Trade". A way of saying a Pokémon is difficult to shift or undesirable. |
ETT | "Easy To Trade". A way of saying a Pokémon is easy to shift or desirable. |
UL | Used to refer to Underleveled Pokémon. Please click the link for a definition |
CAT/C.A.T | "Create A Trade" |
1k | When used to refer to a Pokémon's level, k means thousand. For example, 1k = Level 1000, 2k = Level 2000 etc. |
Base | The lowest level available for a particular Pokémon |
NB | Non-base; a Pokémon that is higher than its base level. |
Up/downgrade | Used to consolidate many Pokémon into one more valuable Pokémon, vice versa |
Maps | Refers to Pokémon that can be caught on maps. |
Swaps | Refers to Pokémon that can be obtained via the Secret Swap. |
Promo | Promotional Pokémon that can be claimed from the team stats page for 1 Team point. You can only claim one promo per account per week, and up to 5 per person as long as you have 5 active accounts. |
nty | 'No thank you'. |
SFOM | Sack Full of Muck on the forum, Trainer's Corner. Used for off-topic conversation. |
ig | In game. Refers to rarity list. |