Golden Day Riddles
From TPPC Wiki
Also See: Golden Pokémon
- 1 GoldenPoochyena
- 2 GoldenVulpix
- 3 GoldenBeldum
- 4 GoldenRiolu
- 5 GoldenAron
- 6 GoldenLotad
- 7 GoldenDratini
- 8 GoldenRalts
- 9 GoldenPoliwag
- 10 GoldenPsyduck
- 11 GoldenSnover
- 12 GoldenCranidos
- 13 GoldenAbra
- 14 GoldenBagon
- 15 GoldenCacnea
- 16 GoldenMagnemite
- 17 GoldenTimburr
- 18 GoldenTyrogue
- 19 GoldenRoggenrola
- 20 GoldenMagikarp
- 21 GoldenGible
- 22 GoldenKrabby
- 23 GoldenYanma
- 24 GoldenMantine
- 25 GoldenBulbasaur
- 26 GoldenCubone
- 27 GoldenLitwick
- 28 GoldenMewtwo
- 29 GoldenSquirtle
- 30 GoldenSandile
- 31 GoldenAxew
- 32 GoldenWailmer
- 33 GoldenJirachi
- 34 GoldenElectrike
- 35 GoldenSwinub
- 36 GoldenShinx
- 37 GoldenTauros
- 38 GoldenEevee
- 39 GoldenGrowlithe
- 40 GoldenPancham
- 41 GoldenFletchling
- 42 GoldenBlitzle
- 43 GoldenFeebas
- 44 GoldenTyrunt
- 45 GoldenPichu
- 46 GoldenZorua
- 47 GoldenChansey
- 48 GoldenTorchic
- 49 GoldenMachop
- 50 GoldenEkans
- 51 GoldenTreecko
- 52 GoldenTrapinch
- 53 GoldenArticuno
- 54 GoldenZapdos
- 55 GoldenMoltres
- 56 GoldenRockruff
- 57 GoldenMrMime
- 58 GoldenSandshrew
- 59 GoldenRayquaza
- 60 GoldenEspurr
- 61 GoldenMurkrow
- 62 GoldenSkiddo
- 63 GoldenTotodile
- 64 GoldenHonedge
- 65 GoldenDeino
- 66 GoldenTurtwig / GoldenChimchar / GoldenPiplup
- 67 GoldenVulpix (Alola)
- 68 GoldenTropius
- 69 GoldenPawniard
- 70 GoldenWeedle
- 71 GoldenCaterpie
- 72 GoldenSneasel
- 73 Credits
- kobk x RULES and THEJJMAN25 for creating the page and updating it fully.
- Ruan for updating the page with new riddles as they are released.
- twiggy for updating the structure of the page to be neater.
- Darkblaze and Alpha Wolf for providing information regarding the riddle answers.
- Piggachew for finding old riddles!